Friday, January 19, 2024

God's Blessings!


Hi, parents!  This cold and snow is so weird, isn’t it?!  I hope you are home and WARM.  I decided to come up to school and get things ready for our fun week next week! 


We have A LOT of fun upcoming events:

*Report cards came home on Wednesday, so please check your child’s folder for those!


*We sing at church THIS SUNDAY!  I pray most of you can make it!  The students are sharing a beautiful song about Jesus, and we are kicking off National Lutheran Schools Week!  We will be singing at the beginning of both the 9:00 and 10:30 services.  Mrs. Hatcher has asked that the students be at church (in the gym) at 8:45 on Sunday morning, sitting with you.  They will be called forward at about 8:50 to line-up at the front of the church, and will sing right at 9:00.  Then, they can go back and workshop with you.  We will sing this way at the beginning of the 10:30 service, and then are free to go home!  They can wear their Sunday clothes or Timothy Rams gear.  Hope to see you there! 


*Please mark your calendars for our January Book Fair January 21-26 in the lobby!  The fair will be open before and after school January 22-25 (Monday-Thursday), during Grandparents' Day (Friday, January 26), and before and after both Worship services on January 21 (Sunday).  We also have an online option at Thank you so much for your support - all purchases benefit our school!  Our fair is run on 100% volunteer power and we need your help! Please consider signing up to volunteer with this link:



January 21st-28th: 

This is a special week set aside by all Lutheran Schools nationwide to celebrate together.  Timothy has a fun Spirit Week that week, where we dress in a special way every day and also do special activities.  (PLEASE don't go out and purchase anything for these days-Just use items from around your home!)

Theme:  "Connected"

Sunday-All students will sing in church at 9:00 and 10:30. 


Monday-Connected to CHRIST ***Wear Timmy Gear (any Timothy shirt or red, white, and blue!)

At-School Activity:  Make cards for homebound members to remind them of Christ's love!


Tuesday-Connected to the FAITH ***Dress up as any part of Creation!  (Nature, people, animals, etc.) 

At-School Activity:  Board Game Day! 


Wednesday-Connected to the SPIRIT and His Fruitful Gifts ***Chapel -Family Dress Theme-Chapel Families will pick their theme.  (Please see the hand-out that came home for your child’s theme. These were sent home yesterday.) 

At-School Activity: Fruits of the Spirit Fun!


Thursday-Connected to the CHURCH ***Dress as a Bible Character or a Bible Story. 

At-School Project: The Bible Bee!  (1:00)


Friday-Connected to His COMMISSION***Dress Your Best! 

All-School Activity: Grandparents/Special Person Day/Talent Show-12:30 dismissal


*The annual AUCTION to support the scholarship fund will be held February 24, 2024.  Our class is sponsoring a "Get Outdoors" themed gift basket.  Please sign up on the list below to bring an item or items to add to the basket. If you would like to donate an item that is NOT on the list, feel free to add it below. If you have any questions, you can contact Brandy Erisman at or Autumn at Please have all items to school no later than January 26th, 2024. Please add a tag on each of your items of the value of the item to allow us to better value each basket. Thank you!


A link to an Amazon Wishlist is below to help if it's easier to purchase an item, or you may reach out to Autumn Rayl directly to donate money towards the basket!

Link to sign-up list:

Link to Amazon Wish-list:


*If you would like to purchase your tickets for this year's auction on February 24, here is your link to do so:


We worked hard this week:


We began our MAP testing!  We just took our Reading portion this week, and will take our Math and Language Usage test next week. 


RELIGION:  We had our classroom Bible Trivia contest to see who our class competitors will be for next Thursday's Bible Bee!  ….(Drumroll)...and our winners are:  Wyatt Sesler and Duke Hutton!  We are so proud and wish them the BEST! 


We took our commandment test.  The students did well!  We will get caught up with Memory next week.  Please note the changes:

1/23- The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.  Thy kingdom come.  Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever.  Amen. 


LANGUAGE ARTS/SOCIAL STUDIES:  We have learned about the life and times of Martin Luther King Jr. this week.  We read his short biography, watched his “I Have a Dream” speech, and reviewed our story, “Happy Birthday, Dr. King.”  Next week, we will read the story written by his sister, “My Brother, Martin.”  Our spelling test over this week’s words will be on MONDAY.  We will have a new set of words for next THURSDAY.


SPELLING words for next Thursday, January 25th:  (from “My Brother Martin”) west, steep, member, gleam, fresh, freedom, speed, steam, beast, believe, speck, kept, cheap, pretend, greed, shelf, least, eager, reason, chief, echo, menu, *segregation


MATH:  We kept practicing long division this week.  Students are catching on to this, but could really use some practice at home.  Next week, we will continue and discuss remainders.  We are memorizing our 12’s too, and will soon be having mad minutes that contain ALL the facts we have memorized! 


ART:  We learned how to draw portraits, and began portraits of Martin Luther King Jr.!


P.E.:  We have begun our Presidential Physical Fitness unit.  We began by learning the correct ways to do sit-ups and push-ups.  We will set our own personal goals next week. 


Upcoming Events:


20-BB games at Calvary, beginning at 9 am

21-28 National Lutheran Schools Week/Book Fair (details above!)

22-BB games at MLA, beginning at 5 pm

25-BB games at Immanuel, beginning at 6 pm

26-Grandparents' Day/Talent Show

31-Dec/Jan Book reports due



1-4-5/6 BB Tournament at Calvary

8-10 7/8 BB Tournament at TIMOTHY!  (If you would like to help, please let me know!  We need all hands on deck!)  ;)


16-Student-Led P/T Conferences-No classes

19-President’s Day-No classes

23-Junie B. Jones Musical @ Bell Cultural Events Center at MNU in Olathe @ 10 a.m

24-TLS Auction (details above)

29-Deadline for early enrollment/Mystery Book Reports due


Yours in Christ,


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