Friday, September 13, 2024

Have a lovely weekend!

 Dear 4th Grade Parents,

It has been another beautiful week!  Thank you for taking the time to read this note and see what we have coming up and what we have been up to!  ;)

Upcoming Events:

*Get your TIMMY GEAR! For 3 days only, PTL is hosting a Spirit Store Pop Up Shop. Grab your stickers, new and second-hand shirts, totes, cups, and loads more. Quantities are limited, so shop early!

Friday – 9/13 – After School

Saturday – 9/14 – During the home volleyball games

Sunday – 9/29 – Before both church services

*We host our first home VOLLEYBALL GAMES of the season this Saturday, September 14th!  If you have nothing going on, please come and cheer on the Timothy Rams! 

10:00 am-Trinity 5th/6th vs. Timothy 5th/6th

10:45 am- Trinity 7th/8th vs. Timothy 7th/8th

1:00 pm-Timothy 5th/6th vs. Christ 6th

1:45 pm-Timothy 7th/8th vs. Christ 8th

*PICTURE DAY is Monday, September 16th!  Order before Picture Day to receive free shipping to the school. Order online at

*Timothy Lutheran will be walking in the Blue Springs Fall Fun Fest PARADE on Saturday, September 21st!  We don’t have all of the details yet, but we’d like for you to mark your calendars!  This is such a fun event!  In the past, the parade begins about 10am, and we wear our Rams t-shirts, uniforms, or Timothy colors (red, blue, white).  It normally begins near the Blue Springs Freshman Campus on Vesper Road, and always ends at St. John LaLande on R.D. Mize Road.  We ask that parents walk (or ride) with your kiddos, please.  Please plan to be there about 9:30 am.  What a way to show and share the love of Jesus with all of Blue Springs!  Come and show our Rams’ pride!

*Timothy Lutheran School’s 8th annual WALK-A-THON is Friday, September 27th from 1:30-2:30.  We are hosting this fun fundraiser to raise funds for our school—to buy a ClearTouch panel for the7th grade classroom and to put towards a new soccer goal.  All students will be participating and can get pledges for completing their laps around the school’s parking lots.  (Pledge sheets are coming home today.)  If a student chooses not to get pledges, it is okay!  We all are going to walk and celebrate the ENDURANCE God has given us!  We do need parent volunteers if you are available.   We will need people to send in snacks, to keep track of laps, and to stand as route guards and cheerleaders! 

-Pledges can be online!   Please click here:

-Please use this link to volunteer:

-Please use this link to send in snacks:


*We took our MAP testing this week!  Those that were absent today, will be able to make it up with Mrs. Self next week.  Once I review the results, I will send them home to you.  We can discuss what these scores mean, and how they will help my instruction.  Students will be testing two more times this year—in January and in April.


Here is what we have been up to this week:

RELIGION- One of my highlights that we do every day, is that we have devotions every morning, followed by highs and lows, which is always so wonderful, as I get an insight into the children’s’ lives that I normally would not get the chance to see.  It is so wonderful… We always then pray for one another and give each other a blessing.  This week, we learned about the life of Moses, the 10 Plagues, and the exodus out of Egypt.  We talked about baptism, and the many gifts that God gives us and how to use these to glorify Him.

MEMORY for Next Week:









9/20-Recite all of the OT books

SOCIAL STUDIES-This week we also discussed the tragedies of September 11th, 2001.  We watched a short video about this fateful day, and also read several books and had a very candid discussion.  We made beautiful illustrations about our thoughts…This led to a great discussion about God and His love for us.  We shared the Bible verse Romans 8: 38-39….and discussed how God will never, ever leave us.  We used this verse to illustrate our thoughts of 9/11.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.~ Romans 8: 38-39

 LANGUAGE ARTS- We finished up the novel Because of Winn Dixie!  This was such an amazing book, and led to so many discussions about friendship, not judging one another, and what forgiveness looks like.  This book has a lot of sadness in it too, and it has been the perfect opportunity to connect this story to our faith, and how sin is in the world, but we need to remember that Jesus has conquered that sin and death, and we can form friendships and help one another with those hardships of life. (Today, we even began watching the movie for our STAR party that we earned!  We will be watching for similarities and difference between the book and the movie.)  Please remind your student that our Newbery book reports and projects are due September 30th. 

Skills we reviewed this week:  character development, cause and effect, long and short i words, and problems/solutions.

SPELLING WORDS for the Week of September 20th:

Story: "Stormalong"

wait, weight, heard, herd, days, daze, heel, heal, peak, peek, sent, cent, scent, feet, feat, vain, vane, vein, miner, minor, principal, principle

Challenge Word: treacherous

MATH- This week, we reviewed place value and worked on rounding and estimating sums.  This took us awhile, as this was a tough concept, but we powered through!  We tested over this material today, and those tests will come home next week.  We will begin discussing and reviewing Addition and Subtraction Properties and Rules, addition and subtraction patterns, how to add and subtract mentally, and how to estimate sums and differences next week!  We are on our 3’s in mad minutes!  Please keep working at home!


ART- We learned all about LINES this week!  We discussed the term “contour line,” and have drawn a contour of an animal to fill in with all of the lines we have learned.  They are cool!

MUSIC- The students practiced songs for the parade on Saturday.  They sound SO beautiful with their praises to God!  Hopefully, you will be able to come and hear them!

COMPUTERS-We finished up friendly letters, read my responses to them, and then practiced the home keys on 

WRITING- We finished up our Summer Vacation stories and shared them in Readers’ Theatre yesterday.  We practiced making eye contact, using a forceful voice, and speaking with intent. 

P.E.- We worked on volleyball skills this week—passing, setting, hitting, and serving!

Lines, Lines, Lines

Never Forget 9/11/01
Remember that NOTHING can separate us from the love of God.  

Sharing out Summer Vacation stories during Readers' Theatre...

Have a wonderful weekend!

Kim Brunkhorst

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