Friday, September 20, 2024

See you this weekend! :)

 Hello, 4th grade parents!  We have had a warm, but wonderful week!  We have some fun things coming up:

 *Timothy Lutheran will be walking in the Blue Springs Fall Fun Fest Parade THIS Saturday, September 21st!  This is such a fun event!  The parade begins at 10am, so please plan to be at the float from 9:30-9:45 am.  We will wear our Rams t-shirts, uniforms, or Timothy colors (red, blue, white).  Our float is entry #59, and we will be parked in the parking lot of the Blue Springs School District Administration building at 1801 NW Vesper St. There is a drop off zone on the corner of NW 22nd St & Vesper.  Suggestions for parking are at Blue Springs High School or near the end of the parade at St. John LaLande. We ask that parents walk (or ride) with your kiddos, please.  What a way to show and share the love of Jesus with all of Blue Springs!  Come and show our Rams’ pride!  After the parade, you can regain your energy by having a Timmy Burger (on the corner of 10th & Main Street). 

 *Timothy Lutheran School’s 8th annual WALK-A-THON is Friday, September 27th from 1:30-2:30.  We are hosting this fun fundraiser to raise funds for our school—to buy a ClearTouch panel for the7th grade classroom and to put towards a new soccer goal.  All students will be participating and can get pledges for completing their laps around the school’s parking lots.  (Pledge sheets are coming home today.)  If a student chooses not to get pledges, it is okay!  We all are going to walk and celebrate the ENDURANCE God has given us!  We do need parent volunteers if you are available.   We will need people to send in snacks, to keep track of laps, and to stand as route guards and cheerleaders! 

 -Pledges can be online!   Please click here:

 -Please use this link to volunteer:

 -Please use this link to send in snacks:


 *Please come join us for WORSHIP at Timothy Lutheran Church on Sunday, September 29th.  All of our Timothy students, Preschool – 8th grade, will sing a couple songs at the beginning of both the 9:00 a.m. service and the 10:30a.m. service.  Students will sit with you during the first service, and will be able to leave after they sing at the beginning of the second service.  We are excited about this opportunity to share our voices of praise with our Timothy Lutheran family!  The generous support of Timothy Lutheran Church members blesses our school greatly.


Here is what we have been doing in the classroom:

RELIGION- In Religion class this week, we talked about how God gave Moses his helpers—Aaron, Joshua, and Jethro, amongst others… Then, we had a discussion about how God intends for us all to have Christian helpers in our lives to guide and assist us, including our beloved pastors.  We had a whole lesson about elders and how they assist the pastor.  Pastor Ryan came in on Tuesday so we could ask him a lot of questions about becoming a pastor, what his Calling entails, and how we can pray for him and assist him.  It was a wonderful time, and we learned so much from him!  We learned that we must always listen to the “nudge” or Call from God, and that He truly does speak to us through different people.  We also need to make sure that we are always praying for our pastors—uplifting them in daily prayer, that God gives them peace, clarity, and rest.  They are such a BLESSING to all of us, and we must take care of them!  This week, we also learned all about the tabernacle and God’s lessons with the snake on the pole!

 MEMORY for Next Week:

9/24-The New Testament







1 & 2 Corinthians







1 & 2 Thessalonians

1 & 2 Timothy




LANGUAGE ARTS- We read a story entitled, Stormalong, a tall-tale about a sailor on one of the northeast’s’ old clipper ships.  We had so much fun reading and discussing this story.  Thank you for taking to time to listen to it at home as well!  It is so very important for your child to being his or her reading book home at least once a week to review the story we are sharing in class.  This helps with retention, as well as oratory skills.  With this story, we discussed hyperboles, homophones, and discussed how to use reference materials.  In English, we learned how to use common and proper nouns.

 SPELLING WORDS for the Week of September 27th:

Story: “The Power of W.O.W.”

block, shown, oatmeal, wrote, fellow, scold, coast, odd, locate, slope, throat, host, online, shock, solve, known, remote, stock, boast, globe, bonus, approach

Challenge Word:  copasetic

 MATH- This week, we reviewed  Addition and Subtraction Properties and Rules, addition and subtraction patterns, how to add and subtract mentally, and how to estimate sums and differences!  The students are doing much better at taking their time, SLOWING down, and checking over their math work before handing it in.  I am so proud of them!  We began our 4’s in mad minutes today!  Please keep working at home!

 SCIENCE-We reviewed the words organism, population, community, ecosystem, non-living, and living things.  We also talked about the 6 things plants need to live and the 5 things animals need to live.  We also played a game called “Pond Ecosystem.” 



ART- We learned all about LINES this week!  We discussed the term “contour line,” and have drawn a contour of an animal to fill in with all of the lines we have learned.  They are cool!

MUSIC- The students practiced songs for the parade on Saturday.  They sound SO beautiful with their praises to God!  Hopefully, you will be able to come and hear them!

COMPUTERS- We practiced typing and using the home keys on  Students are welcome to log in at home and practice too!

WRITING- We began working on our BioPoems this week—poems all about each one of us! 

P.E.- We worked on volleyball skills this week—bow and arrow hitting and serving.


Have a wonderful weekend!  See you at the parade!

Kim Brunkhorst

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