Friday, October 5, 2012

Newsletter from 10-5-12

Dear Parents,

It has been a wonderful week! Thank you so much for all of the added treats and wonderful gifts for my birthday! I feel so spoiled and loved. Thank you!

Today, I had a special visitor, a former student, Nathan Eaton, visit our classroom. He is a student at Concordia University in Seward, Nebraska, and is studying to become a DCE, with a major in education. He had to shadow a teacher, and chose to come here! We had so much fun and the kids laughed so much today!

Congratulations! Students raised over $250 dollars last month for the Lutheran Malaria Initiative. They successfully squashed all 50 bugs! As a reward, students get to squash homework next Friday, October 12. Wednesday, students received a new Mission Project challenge, “Fighting the 45”. We learned that a child dies every 45 seconds from Malaria. To aid the fight against Malaria, each chapel family will work together to raise 45 dollars. Each Chapel Family that meets this challenge will enjoy a “Dessert Day” after lunch. What a delicious challenge!

Our fall party is Friday, October 26th. An online permission slip was sent out yesterday. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for October 25 & 26. I will be sending an email out about this this afternoon. I will send home a final schedule by October 17. I look forward to meeting with each of you!

Here are my favorite quotes from the week:

“If I could own one book, I’d want it to be “Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief.” ~ Ian

“What I look forward to most on the first day of school is lunch! “ ~Makayla

“I can’t play racquetball, but I’m really good at baseball.” ~Gavin

“To cheer myself up, I play on my DS.” ~Morgan

“My most prized possession in all the world, is my special piggy bank with my name on it.” ~Anna

Here is what we did this week:

In Religion, we learned about the church, and that the church is not only this amazing building we worship in, but it is the group of believers that we worship with, as well as all of the people who have loved Jesus all over the world and over all of time. We learned about Martin Luther and his role in our church. He led such an amazing life! We will continue to learn about him until Reformation.

Memory work for next week is:
October 9- Say the entire Lord’s Prayer.

In Language Arts this week, we learned more about verbs and went hunting for them!

Third graders read a story entitled, Max’s Words, about a boy who wants to collect something and he decides on words! He creates these beautiful stories too! Fourth graders read a tale about Once Upon a Motorcycle Dude, which was such a funny and fun story to read!

Keep reading! Fourth graders got their book report information about their second report. They need to read a book with an animal as the main character and make a Brown Paper Bag Report. Look for the details that came home! Third graders need to read a mystery book and have their reports completed by October 19th. Two weeks!

In Math, third graders learned how to subtract longer numbers using regrouping. We also worked with numbers that had a couple of zeroes. They are doing well! Math tests will come home today. Fourth graders worked with balancing equations and with using tables to solve word problems.

In Science this week, we took our first test! Today we played Science Jeopardy about life cycles. We had so much fun sharing our knowledge! They all did well on their tests. These will come home next week. We will begin the chapter on plant life cycles next week too! Be on the lookout for new vocabulary words!

During Art, we created woven pumpkins that are decorating the hallway outside our room.

In P.E. this week, we learned bow to play Doctor Dodge ball, and had quite a fun time! Ask your child about that one!

For Writers’ Workshop, we continued writing Personal Narratives! These stories are really turning out so wonderfully. I am excited to share them with you.

For Computer Lab this week, we worked on our typing program, and started publishing our personal narratives. Some even took their Scholastic quizzes. Please urge your child to read, read, read!

In Choir this week, we sang: One Way, Honor You God, Celebrate the King, Here I Am to Worship, Lord I Lift Your Name on High. In Music, we practiced the song: You Are My All in All. With our recorders we reviewed the notes B, A & G. We played three practice exercises. Then, we learned the new song “Hot Cross Buns”. Students should practice this song at least 6 times before next Thursday. Next week, we begin Recorder Karate. Ask your child about it!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Yours in Christ,
Kim Myers

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