Friday, January 18, 2013

3rd/4th Grade Newsletter 1-18-13

Dear Parents,

Thank you so much for your presence, your prayers, and your well-wishes last weekend and into this week. You are amazing bunch of parents and I adore your kids so much! We have had some fun this week getting used to my new name. I have to admit, it is so hard, and it will take me (and them) awhile. We have had quite a few laughs about it this week. Morgan was the first to catch me when I wrote the wrong initials in assignment books this week! He had that sweet smirk, and said, “I gotch ya!”  I will be gone next week on Tuesday and Wednesday and will be back on Thursday. Mrs. Barnett, our awesome, favorite sub, will be here! Yeah!

As I mentioned last week, there are many important events coming up! Keep your eyes peeled for important information regarding National Lutheran Schools’ Week festivities (January 27-February 3). We will sing in church, enjoy dress up days, go bowling, celebrate 100 Day, have the Scholastic Book Fair, enjoy a pajama party, invite grandparents, put on a talent show, and lead worship services. It will be a fun filled week!! Please pay special attention to the list of important dates below!

Information regarding the talent show (February 1) was sent home in an email. Participants may volunteer via Sign-Up Genius. Auditions will be Wednesday, January 23, after school. Please sign-up soon, soon, soon!

Progress reports went home on Wednesday. Please sign the front and return them to school. Thank you!

Our school will be leading the worship services at Timothy (north campus) on February 3rd at 8:00 and 9:15. All students in 3rd/4th have been given a speaking or acting part in the service. Our choirs will be singing as well. If you know that your child (full-time and home school students) will not be able to attend, would you please let me know by next Wednesday? It is such an honor for us to lead! Thank you so much!

Achievement tests are coming up! These will be February 25th-March 1st. The testing will be in the mornings from 8:30-12:00 every day. The home school students are invited to do this as well. If you are interested, please let me know and Mr. K will order your supplies. Thank you!

Here is what we did this week:

In Religion this week we learned the Bible stories of Elijah and Eli and Samuel. This led us to discussions about the power of God. He is amazing, and always, always, always in control!

In Language Arts this week, third graders read a story called “Mr. Rubbish Mood,” which is an excerpt from a Judy Moody book. We talked a lot about recycling with this story! The fourth graders read “Riding Freedom,” and talked about stage coaches and the dangers and perils of the Wild West. Interesting …especially for our kids who LOVE horses!

We are deep into cursive and will finish up next week!

In Math this week, third graders learned how to multiply by 7, 8, 9, and 120. We are busy taking mad minutes and memorizing those facts. Trying to get to Winsteads…keep practicing at home! Fourth graders have learned the differences between equations and expressions and have learned how to use variables to solve word problems.

During Social Studies, we worked with our “Getting Along” series. This week we performed some skits that used body language to depict our moods. We talked about how sometimes our body language can be hurtful o others, if we are showing anger, resentment, boredom, or disrespect. We practiced positive body language, and also learned different techniques to help boost a good mood.

We learned a little bit about Martin Luther King Jr. this week as well. We will have a full-week unit next week about him, with whole-class spelling words, stories we will read as a class, and several fun writing and social studies projects. Be on the lookout for these!

During Art, we created portraits of MLK after reading a book about him. These are hilarious and beautiful. These kids are SO talented! Our school kids have been invited to submit writing and art work for a Gathering of the Talents magazine provided by Calvary Lutheran School. They will judge the pieces and enter the ones that place. Afterwards, this magazine/book will be for sale, and will have all area Lutheran School students’ artwork and written materials. Pretty neat! If you and your child is interested, please send in the artwork to me by January 24th (next Thursday), so I can submit it. Thank you!

In P.E. this week, we played a game called Pin Dodge ball, and old favorite!

In Music, we continued preparing songs for National Lutheran Schools’ Week. We are practicing songs for church, “Audience of One” and “In Christ Alone”, and songs for the Talent Show, “Lord, I Lift Your Name on High” and “One Way”.

For Writers’ Workshop, we began working on persuasive essays…we will continue this hard work in to the next few weeks.



21- No School, Martin Luther King Day

23- 1st & 2nd Grade Lead Chapel

26- Mrs. Carrasco's Birthday

27-31- National Lutheran Schools' Week, Scholastic Book Fair

27- K-8 Choirs Sing, South Campus 9:30am

28- School Spirit Day

29- Sports Day—Bowling Party! (Home school kiddos are invited to this!!!)

30- Morning with Mom 7:45-8:20am, Chapel Family Choice Day

31- Pajama Day—100th Day of School!


1- Dress Your Best Day, Grandparents Day, Talent Show, Early Dismissal

3- K-8 Choirs Sing, North Campus

Have a fantastic, long weekend!

Yours in Christ,

Kim Brunkhorst

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