Friday, April 12, 2013


Dear Parents,

This has been a fun and busy week!

Religion: We have learned the meanings of Baptism, Holy Communion, and Confirmation. We had such amazing conversations! Today we completed a Scavenger Hunt into Luther’s Small Catechism to become more familiar with that.

Memory for April: The children are learning the Book of the Bible, and really doing well! On Monday, they will need to say the entire Old Testament books to me, and they will need to know all of the OT and NT by the end of April! Thank you!

School of Economics: This week, the CPAs met with me to write checks for the first pay period. All groups finished up their shop signs, created nametags for next Wednesday, and practiced making change! We are getting prepared! We attend next week, on Wednesday!
Math: Third graders began using the metric system to measure items, and fourth graders learned how to divide with four digit numbers and with zeroes. Today, as a whole class, we all solved a math story riddle entitled The Baseball Bandit.

Language Arts: This week, we focused on abbreviations and practiced using them in our writing. We had some difficult reading stories this week, but both were interesting and fun!!! The third graders read about the travels of Oliver K. Woodsman. It was neat to track his travels across the country. The fourth graders read about The Ever-Living Tree, which was the journey of the great sequoia. We had “open-book” tests today, to make it easier! I stressed the importance of using the book, and taking your time to make the good choices!

Writing: This week, we worked on our Biography Rugs and published our songs! The kids are working very diligently on these!

Art: This week we played “catch-up,” and finished art projects from the last few weeks. We put final touches on our Georgia O’Keefe style flowers for our trivia night project. On that note, Trivia Night is coming up!  It is our school’s largest fundraiser. It is always a great time! Please let me know if you have any questions about the evening! Thanks…

Music: We sang “My Redeemer Lives”, “Lord, You Love Me”, “Agnus Dei” and “Cast Your Burdens”. We warmed up by dancing to a song from The Muppet Show. On Thursday, we practiced chords on the recorders. Please make sure your child brings his or her recorder every Thursday!

Other News:

Book Reports: The children are working hard o their biography book reports. This week in art, we learned the steps to making the “rugs” and the kids are busy reading and taking facts! Please urge them to work on this at home as well! Third grade reports are due on May 15th, and fourth grade reports are due on April 30th.

Parent Climate Survey: If you have not yet done so, please use this link to complete our Parent Climate Survey. It is eight short questions. The survey will be available until Sunday, April 14 only.
Parent Climate Survey - Elementary

Cross-Country Meets: First, second, and third graders have been invited to join our track team during their two cross-country meets on April 30th and April 7th. An email was sent home earlier this week concerning this. Please let me know if your third grader is interested! Thank you!

Mission Project: For our Spring Mission Project, we are collecting items each week (Wednesday to Wednesday) to assemble into kits that will go to the homeless.

Some items can be the hotel-given sample-sized products, cheaper travel sized items, or dollar store bargains. Anything you’re able to give will help immensely!
During Week #1, we collected washcloths and soap/body wash

Week #2 (April 10-17) – shampoo, deodorant, and lotion

Week #3 (April 17-24) – toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss

Week #4 (April 24-May 1) – disposable razors and shaving cream

Week #5 (May 1-8) – gallon ziplocks and granola bars

Week #6 (May 8-15) – catch up week – we’ll send out an email as this week comes closer, telling you what to bring to keep our overall donation numbers even

Thank you in advance for your care and generosity!!

Have a fantastic weekend!


Kim Brunkhorst

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