Friday, February 21, 2014

Newsletter 2-21-14

Third and Fourth Grade News
From the Week of February 21, 2014

Dear Parents,
            We have had such a busy and fun week here at school…
It was great to see so many moms at Mornings With Mom this week!  I enjoy that special time to visit with you! 

Achievement tests are next week, February 24th-28th.  The testing will be in the mornings from 8:30-12:00 every day.  We are so excited! They will use #2 pencils, but I will supply those.  If you have any extra lying around home, please send them to school.  Testing will conclude by lunchtime (noon) each day.  The way the tests are set up, each child will be give a suggested amount of time to complete the test, but then will also have additional time given if needed.  So, while I may anticipate a certain test taking fifty-five minutes, it has happened that a test may need an hour and a half to complete (or the opposite, where we wrap up the test early after thirty-five minutes.  We recommend students come to school with various things to occupy their time silently if they finish the test before their peers.  No electronics, please, but please bring chapter books (book report books will be great!), magazines, and word puzzles are all welcome!  To help them achieve their very best, it’s SO important they get a good night’s sleep all week and eat a good breakfast each morning.  Students may also bring a healthy snack and water bottle to reenergize themselves between tests.  We will typically only take 2-3 tests per morning, since that is when they’re most alert.  Testing will wrap up by Friday without issue.  Specials classes are normal on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. There will not be reading stories or spelling words next week due to testing.
Today the students are bringing home their collection envelope for Jump Rope for Heart.  The event is scheduled for March 6. 

Below, I have summarized what we have learned this week:
            Religion- This week, discussed all of the great things David did as King.  We also made a list of what it takes to be a good leader…These were so great, and decided to post them in our room as a good reminder for us!   We will have Religion in class on Monday and Friday afternoons next week.  Memory will still be on Tuesday and Friday. 
Math-We have been practicing multiplication!  Third graders tested today please be on the lookout for their graded tests in their Friday Folders.  They also began working with 6’s!  Fourth graders also tested this week and began learning about the distributive property. Weekly now, I will be sending home a form called Math Madness, where they will need to practice their facts at least 5 minutes a night, or 25 minutes a week.  This will be an easy “A” daily math grade!  They can use flash cards, computer games, and rote sayings, whatever, just as long as they are practicing!  Bring them back on Monday! Thank you SO much for your help with this! 
Reading- This week, third grade read about “The Albertosaurus Mystery, and learned quite a bit about digging up dinosaur fossils.  Fourth grade read about “Riding Freedom,” and they had some great discussions about old stagecoaches and the Pony Express. 
Science- We began our study of cells this week!  We will build cells next week with fun goop… J Study guides came home, and your child can use to review as we trek through the chapter.

Here is what we did in our special classes this week:
Art-Favorite memories paintings
Writing-Began writing about moms
P.E.-jump roping skills, we learned how to partner jump
Music-We had musical tryouts!  Look at our cast members below:
Chorus #1-Ana Pastora
Chorus #2-Morgan Sanders
Chorus #3-Emma Trowbridge
Screamer #1-Amelia Casper
Lion#4-Christian Anderson
Lion#5-Van Conley
Lion #6-Makayla Engle
Lion#7-Will Gannan
Lion#8-Jenna Mundt
Lion#9-Zachary Neer
Lion#10-Sydney Robbins
Lion #11-Angel Williams
Lion#12-Gabby Williams
Lion#13-Kaitlyn Patton

The People Of Babylon: Giovanni D’Angelo, Nathan McKeage, Nolan Mercer, Emma Stricklin, Linus Velder, Gavin Williams

Upcoming Events:
17-President’s Day-no school
24-28-Achievement tests
27-Sex Education Night at 6:30
28-4th grade book report is due

5-Ash Wednesday
6-Jump Rope for Heart 2:15-3:15…Info came home today!!!!
14-End of 3rd quarter 1:00 dismissal
17-St. Patrick’s Day
26-PTL serves the Lenten dinner—more info to come

Have a great LONG weekend!

Yours in Christ,

Kim Brunkhorst

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