Happy Friday, 4th Grade Parents!
*Please remember that we just have TWO DAYS of school next
week before Thanksgiving Break!
*NEXT Tuesday, November 22nd, at 11:00, the 4th graders will have their classroom THANKSGIVING FEAST in lieu of lunch. (ALL 4th grade students are invited!) We will be studying the first Thanksgiving all that week, (and the next), and all about the Pilgrims and Wampanoag. We will also be talking about all the things we, as Christian Americans, should be thankful for! What a wonderful way to praise our Father for all He has given! I will supply the turkey, cups, and plastic-ware. If you are able to help supply any items in the sign-up, please do so! I have several outlets in our classroom for crock pots, if needed. This is just for the students. Thanks so much for your help!
*FIELD TRIP NOTICE-ALL 4th GRADE STUDENTS--On Friday, December 16th, we will be headed to see “The Best Little Christmas Pageant Ever” at the Theatre for Young America at Union Station in Kansas City. We will have just finished reading this amazing book! 😉 All tickets are $5.50. I have reserved 28 tickets. I have paid for this in full, so when you can, please send in money or checks to me. I have the link for the sign-up. Please check if your student is coming, and if you are able to come and drive. Thank you!
*MID-TERM REPORTS are coming home today! Please be on the lookout for these in backpacks. Please sign and return the bottom portion. Thank you!
*Please send WINTER COATS and gloves, etc., to school with your kiddo! We love to go outside! Thanks!
Here is what we have been up to this week:
RELIGION- We studied the lives of Samson, Hannah, and
Samuel. We also had a heartfelt
discussion about how God answers prayer.
He always hears them, and answers in His time. His answers are Yes, No, Wait, and Something
Better. We discussed so many different
scenarios that we have prayed about, and how God has answered them—not to our
will but to HIS. We also discussed the
different types of prayers...supplication, thanksgiving, adoration, and
confession. We discussed how we send up
prayers of supplication ALL the time, but need to remember to give God our
prayers of thanksgiving and adoration too, as He has blessed us all SO
much! These lessons were a beautiful
reminder of the power and wisdom of our Almighty Heavenly Father.
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. What does this
mean? We should fear and love God so
that we do not despise preaching and His Word, but hold it sacred and gladly
hear and learn it.
LANGUAGE ARTS- We read the chapter book, “Molly’s Pilgrim,” by Barbara Cohen. This is a story about an immigrant from Russia, who learns all about the first Thanksgiving and what it means to be an American. We had a lot of great discussions about our country, and what a blessing it is to be citizens of the United States. We worked with compare/contrast, predicting, and timelines. We also read the stories by Patricia Polacco, entitled “Pink and Say,” “The Butterfly,” (both about veterans/war), and “The Keeping Quilt,” (about immigrants.) Next week, and the following week, we will learn all about the first Thanksgiving!
SPELLING WORDS for Friday, December 2nd (not next week!):
Plymouth, Thanksgiving, Pilgrims, compact, Mayflower,
pumpkin, barter, America, holiday, settlement, Challenge Word: *Wampanoag
MATH- I am SO proud of these kids! First of all, most of them have memorized multiplication facts all the way though their 9’s! In class, we have been learning how to multiply 3 and 4-gigit numbers by one-digit numbers, how to multiply across zeroes, and how to solve real-world word problems with these skills. They are working hard and are catching on quickly! We took our test over Chapter 4 on Wednesday and have begun the next chapter about…
SCIENCE-This week, we learned all about plant and animal cells and have begun group projects creating large posters of them, labeling all the parts, learning what they do, and practicing teamwork as we go! Today, we did an experiment with celery and food dye. We shall see what our results are on Monday!
SOCIAL STUDIES- This week in Scholastic News, we discussed national monuments and protecting them, and especially in this edition, we talked about protecting the land of the Native Americans. We debated whether schools should have dressed codes, and we talked about new words that were put in the dictionary this year! ( I learned what “sus” means! It is so suspicious! 😉)
ART- We learned some Native American symbols, and created
some beautiful Wampanoag Art with them!
Make sure you check out our pictures below!
MUSIC-We are working on our Christmas songs for the Advent
Service on December 14th.
P.E.- This week, we learned basketball skills—passing and
WRITERS’ WORKSHOP- We wrote about what our families do on Thanksgiving. It was fun to hear about traditions your families
COMPUTER LAB- We published our Thanksgiving stories!
Have a BLESSED weekend!
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