Friday, February 10, 2023



Hi, all!  I hope this note finds you well!  We have had a great week in 4th grade, and it was wonderful to get back into a new normalcy.  Thank you for your prayers!  This week, we celebrated the 101st Day of School with some fun centers and activities, and today, we had a STAR party, where we celebrated the Chiefs!  GO CHIEFS!


*Right now, we have EARLY ENROLLMENT for students at TLS!  If you enroll your kiddo this month, you get $100 off of the $200 enrollment fee, and secure a spot for your child.  I know many classes have waiting lists, so please secure spots now!  Open enrollment for new families begins March 1st.  :)

*We will have a VALENTINE’S DAY party next Tuesday afternoon (February 14th).  This will be simple, with some treats, passing out Valentine’s, and some math games.  :)  If your kiddo is bringing valentines, please make sure there is one for each child.  A list of students have come home.  

*On February 16th and 17th, we will have STUDENT-LED CONFERENCES for full-time students!  (If you are homeschool and want to meet, we can do that too!)  If you have not already signed up, please do so!  We will have a 1:00 dismissal that day and begin conferences at 1:30.  Your child will be leading these and are excited to share their personal report cards and favorite work.  To sign up, please go here:

*TLS ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP AUCTION: “Back to the 80’s”—February 25th

The Annual Scholarship Auction/Gala for Timothy Lutheran School is right around the corner! Mark your calendars to attend this year! Tickets are $50 each which includes dinner, all beverages, and entertainment. Virtual bidding tickets are available for $10 each. Scholarship packages are available for those who would like to promote their business. Visit for more information or to purchase tickets.


Here is what we have been up to this week:

RELIGION- We discussed Epiphany, and the wisemen, and tested over Unit 5.  (Graded tests will be coming home!) Yesterday, we began talking about Jesus and His ministry here on earth.  We began with John the Baptist, and his example for us all, and how we are to spread the GOOD NEWS of Jesus!  We also talked about the temptation of Jesus, and discussed ways Satan tempts us daily, all the time.  He uses vices that seem right to us, when they truly are designed to lead us away from God, instead of towards Him. We shared ways that we can be the lights in this world of darkness! 

Upcoming MEMORY work: 2/14 -The Apostle's Creed

I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth.

And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord,

who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,

born of the Virgin Mary,

suffered under Pontius Pilate,


2/17-was crucified, died, and was buried.

He descended into hell.

The third day He rose again from the dead.

He ascended into heaven

and sits at the right hand of God

the Father Almighty.


LANGUAGE ARTS- This week, we read the non-fiction excerpt “Antarctic Journal,” where we learned a first-hand depiction of what life is like on Antarctica.  We learned all about the Adelaide penguins, the blue hate, krill, and the green flash.  We also watch a few videos to learn more!  We discussed sequencing, point of view, and food chains.  We also read about a marathon run that takes place in Antarctica, and how the runners prepare their bodies for such a feat!

SPELLING WORDS for Friday, February 17th:  (from Ramona and Her Father)

genuine, anxious, comet, pretend, utilize, cross, urge, coax, swifter, outrunning, *unfortunately

MATH- We have been learning about sequencing, patterns, input/output tables, and Order of Operations.  (This was FUN!) We have used these skills in solving word problems and problems with multiple operations.  We will review this material next week, and test over it.  Then, onto our 2nd math books! 

SOCIAL STUDIES- We dove back into Missouri History this week, with learning about the regions in Missouri, latitude and longitude, and what citizenship is. 



WRITING- We finished up our poetry from last week and began writing “I Cannot Imagine Life Without” ideas this week.

MUSIC-Students practiced the hymn, “Beautiful Savior,” to sing at our Lenten Service on March 8th!

P.E. – We completed 100 second stations with jump roping, crunches, wall sits, passing the basketball, balancing, etc. 

COMPUTER- Students started a health unit in Computer Class, where we are discussing Emotional Health, and sharing ways to handle conflict. 

ART- We made beautiful woven hearts to decorate the hallway and to make our valentine holders for next week. 





Celebrating the 101st Day of School

Thank you for your kindness--always...

Our boys' basketball team thanked our cheerleaders... So PROUD of our Rams!

Art and Writing this week...

Our CHIEFS Party!!!

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