Friday, February 17, 2023

It was GREAT to visit with all of you!


Hi, all!  How about our CHIEFS?!  It has definitely contributed to the excitement around here!  With the Chiefs, Valentine’s Day, and parent/teacher conferences, it has been a wild week!  It was lovely visiting with all of you this week.  I am proud of our kiddos and their hard work! 


*Right now, we have EARLY ENROLLMENT for students at TLS!  If you enroll your kiddo this month, you get $100 off of the $200 enrollment fee, and secure a spot for your child.  I know many classes have waiting lists, so please secure spots now!  Open enrollment for new families begins March 1st.  :)

*TLS ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP AUCTION: “Back to the 80’s”—February 25th

The Annual Scholarship Auction/Gala for Timothy Lutheran School is right around the corner! Mark your calendars to attend this year! Tickets are $50 each which includes dinner, all beverages, and entertainment. Virtual bidding tickets are available for $10 each. Scholarship packages are available for those who would like to promote their business. Visit for more information or to purchase tickets.

Here is what we have been up to this week:

RELIGION- This week, we learned about Nicodemus and how he learned about the saving grace of Jesus.  We discussed our own sin and what a gift Baptism is to each and every one of us!

MEMORY work for next week:

2/21-From thence He will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,

the holy Christian Church,

the communion of saints,

the forgiveness of sins,

the resurrection of the body,

and the life everlasting. Amen.

2/24-Recite the entire Apostle’s Creed.

LANGUAGE ARTS- This week, we began the Newbery Award winning novel, “Ramona and Her Father,” by Beverly Cleary.  We love hearing all about Ramona’s antics!  This week, we also learned some new vocabulary words, and worked with writing our names in cursive!

SPELLING WORDS for Friday, February 24th: pest, grownup, kindergarten, tricycle, sloppy, disappointed, cleverness, managed, alarmed, costume, *especially

MATH-We finished up and tested over Chapter 7, (all about Order of Operations and solving multi-operation problems), and have begun Chapter 8-FRACTIONS! Today, we discussed finding factors and multiples. 

SOCIAL STUDIES- We dove back into Missouri History this week, with learning about the regions in Missouri, latitude and longitude, and what citizenship is. 


SPECIAL CLASSES-We had limited Specials this week, with our Valentine’s Day party on Tuesday , and then early dismissal on Thursday. 

MUSIC-We practiced our song, “Beautiful Savior,” and a song with the words of “The Lord’s Prayer.” 

ART/WRITING- We wrote and created Valentine’s for YOU!



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