Hi, 4th grade parents! This will be my last newsletter in April! Isn’t that nuts?!
We have so many things coming up. PLEASE take time to read this! THANK YOU!
*Thank you for all of you that ordered coffee through the
PTL fundraiser! We netted $1,400 to purchase new uniforms.
*Thank you for all of your prayers, guidance, and help with
our RAMS RUN this last Tuesday! We had a
beautiful day and a wonderful turnout!
There were 152 runners! God is GOOD! ALL THE TIME!
*LIBRARY-This Monday was the last day for students to check
out books. All books are due back by
next Monday, May 1. If they have any
library books unreturned, they received a list this week. Please ask them for it and search for the
missing books. Thank you!
*Please check SYCAMORE to check up on your kiddos’
assignments. Missing ones can be turned in
late, but I have to have grades completed before the end of the school year,
and all missing work will receive a 0%.
The kids and I discuss this all the time, and they know that they are responsible
for their grades. Thank you for your
help with this.
*FUN DAY is NEXT FRIDAY, May 5th! We still need some class escorts and lots of
station helpers! Please! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080f4aafac29a1fa7-funday/33181513#/ ALL students are invited to this day of FUN,
as the kiddos do activities outside (obstacle course, jumpy house, tug-of-war,
sumo wrestling, etc.) ALL DAY! We eat a
picnic style lunch and have popsicles.
Be sure to wear comfy clothes and tennis shoes!
*Next Friday is also our Spring Band and Choir Concert!
The Timothy Lutheran School Spring Band and Choir Concert
Featuring: The 5th – 8th Grade Band and the 1st – 8th Grade
When? May 5, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.
Where? Timothy
Lutheran School
301 E. Wyatt Road
Blue Springs, MO 64014
-Please have your child to his or her classroom by 6:00. THANK YOU!
-All students were given a t-shirt by Pastor Rod to wear at
the concert. They are to wear this t-shirt,
and either nice blue jeans or blue pants. Please let me know if you would like for me to keep this shirt at
school until Friday night, and then your kiddo can change here, or if you would
like for me to send it home first.
Either is fine with me!

culminate our studies of Missouri History, we are going to the Harry S. Truman
Memorial Library and Museum on Tuesday, May 9th! We will leave school at 8:45
and head to the Truman Library (500 W US HWY 24, Independence, MO 64050) for
our tour at 9:30. After this guided
tour, we will have a sack lunch at McCoy Park (across the Truman Library), play
for a while, and then continue to Burr Oak Woods to hike some fun trails before
we get back to school by the end of the school day. We were able to receive a scholarship for the
museum tour, so the students and 7 adult chaperones are free. The tour is about
two hours long. (Don't forget to send a sack lunch and drink!)
* FOOD TRUCK PTL NIGHT- Wednesday, May 10th, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.! This is so fun! Bring your blankets and lawn chairs, and let’s
have a picnic, food-truck-style! The
food trucks will be Burritos Lagos KC and Weenies & Paninis!
May 11th. It will be from 9:30-10:30 in
the 4-G’s area outside of the school hallway.
Please come, see, and learn! We
will be working on this at school, and will be ready! Students are reading books about famous
Missourians. They will be working on
Biography Lap Books, and will be preparing to “become” that person at our
museum, reciting or reading facts about their famous Missourian. Please ask your kiddo what his or her plan is
for an outfit. I am bringing some things
I have at home, and some have said they have things as well. Please don’t stress or go and buy
anything! Together, we should be able to
come up with something! Thank you for
your help! This is a fun event to look
forward to!
Girls-Tuesday, May 4th; Boys-Thursday, May 11th. Parents of these kiddos, if you choose to,
please just send in a small snack on these days, and we will have of two days
of birthdays feasts! :) Thank you!
*YEARBOOK order forms were sent home last week. Here is the
link to order: inter-state.com/flyerentry. Use code 74087E. They are $15 each.
The last day to order is May 12.
*We launched the 4th Quarter MISSION PROJECT this week! We
are collecting diapers for Impact Ministries. If we can collect 1,000 diapers, Mrs.
Anderson will get a pie to my face at our last chapel on May 12. If we get
2,000 – Mrs. Romo gets pie-ed. 3,000 – Pastor Ryan gets pie-ed. 4,000 – Mr.
Holland gets pie-ed! 😊 Let’s GO!
Here is what we have been up to:
RELIGION- This week, we discussed Jesus’ resurrection, His appearances
to Mary and the disciples, and His Ascension.
We tried to put ourselves in the shoes of the disciples, to think about
how they must have felt to see their Lord again, and then watch him as He
ascended. We shared what our job is now
to do for Him—Share that Good News through our thoughts, words, and actions,
MEMORY for next week-
5/2- Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on
your own understanding;
5/5-in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your
paths straight. ~Proverbs 3: 5-6
READING: We read several
chapters about Harry S. Truman this week, learning about his move to Independence
and his first job. Next week, we will finish
the chapter book, and learn all about his presidency.
SPELLING WORDS for THURSDAY, May 4th: (from the book Harry
S. Truman: Thirty-Third President of the United States)
positive, believe, presence, wonderful, interesting,
delicious, schedule, temperature, church, request, *excruciating
MATH-We tested over decimals and fractions this week, and
have begun using measurement.
SCIENCE- We talked about body systems this week, and how
they work together. Our God is SO amazing
that He created our bodies to work in this fashion! We will finish the next Science lesson early
next week, review, and test on Wednesday.
They will be ready!
ART- We painted our Osage pottery! It is beautiful!
MUSIC-We practiced songs for our Spring Program. We have also continued rehearsing with the
WRITING-We had a bunch of silly writing prompts that we
shared in class this week!
(Examples: You wake up one
morning, and dogs can talk. Describe your day.
OR A baby is your
substitute teacher. What happens?) We also worked on our biography
writing! It is all coming together!
COMPUTERS-We worked on icivics.com.
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