Friday, October 11, 2024

Have a wonderful weekend!

 Hi, 4th Grade, Parents!  This has been a fun week, and WOW, what a week to be from Kansas City!  Woohoo!  How EXCITING!


It was fun to see so many of you at DONUTS WITH DAD (and other special people)!  Thank you for coming and spending some time with us!  We had SUCH a great turn-out…It made my heart swell to see so many loved ones here!  Thank you for coming and having a treat and playing some games with us!  I tried to get a picture of everyone, but I missed some of you…I am so sorry!  


*Our WALK-A-THON was an absolute success!  We had a beautiful day and a ton of excited walkers!  A special THANK YOU to all of our volunteers for helping out that day and to all of our friends and families that donated!  We will be able to purchase a ClearTouch panel for our new 8th grade classroom. Thanks to be to God for all of His blessings! 

Here are some totals for you:

Overall Laps Taken: 

PK-2nd-1, 584

3rd-8th-1, 325

Grand Total of Laps:  2, 909!

Grand Total Amount Raised - $4298.10

3rd place -  Mrs. Hatcher - 2nd Grade - $515

2nd Place -  Mrs. Brunkhorst - 4th Graders - $688.10

1st Place - Mrs. Krekel - Kindergarten - $749

Thank you to everyone for working so hard to earn money for our school!

*Our 5th/6th VOLLEYBALL players have their league tournament this weekend.  I have attached their schedule in case you want to go and cheer them on! 

*The END OF THE QUARTER is next Friday, October 18th.  We will have a 12:30 dismissal, so teachers can work on grade cards. 

*Timothy’s HARVEST PARTY is Friday night, October 18th, from 6 pm-8 pm.  There will be dinner, treats, games, trunk-or-treat, and LOTS of fun!  Please join us!  

*PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES are coming up on Thursday and Friday, October 24th and 25th.   We will be dismissing school at 12:30 both days, and beginning the first conference at 1:00 pm. 

Please use this sign-up to get signed up:

I would like to visit with each of you. This is a parent-only conference.  Students will lead our conferences in February.  Thank you! 

*We will be commemorating VETERAN’S DAY on November 11th, with a service celebrating them!  Our students will be singing, reading poetry and prayers, and thanking God for our veterans!  We encourage you to use the attached flyer to invite family, friends, and neighbors to Timothy Lutheran School’s Veterans Day Celebration.  Everyone is welcome!



Date:  Monday, November 11th, 2024

Time:  9:00 am

Coffee and Donuts will be served at 8:30 am

*Also, if you have any veterans you love and want us to celebrate in our slideshow, please send information to me ( by November 1st.   Thank you!

Here is what is needed for each veteran:

-A photograph (digital copies are preferred, please):

-First and Last Name of the veteran

-Which student this veteran is related to, and how...

-Branch of Service

-Years of Service

-Any other important information you may want added! 

(If your photos were in last year’s slideshow, please let us know this, as that information has been saved and you don’t need to send it in again.)

THANK YOU to all veterans!  It is humbling to know how many have given their lives, their time, and their service to God, to us, and to our country.  Thank you SO much! 


Here is what we have been up to this week:

RELIGION- We have had some great discussions in Religion this week.  We have learned the stories of Solomon, Elijah and the Prophets of Baal, Elisha and the Shunammite Woman, and Ahab and Naboth’s Vineyard.  Many of these were new stories to some of us, but the lessons had one constant:  We put many things before God, and we need to remember to keep Him foremost and center in our lives.  He gives us so many blessings, and many times, we overlook those, to focus on the negative things that are happening around us.  We also discussed how we have so many opportunities to share our faith—In our homes, neighborhoods, in public, and at school.  We talked about how at times, actions speak so much louder than words, and how to always make sure we are showing that we are Christians by our LOVE. 

MEMORY for Next Week:

10/15- Luther’s Morning Prayer: I thank You, my Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have kept me this night from all harm and danger;

10/18-and I pray You to protect me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings and; life may please You.

LANGUAGE ARTS-This week we read the story “Coming Distractions: Questioning Movies.”  We learned lot of new “movie-making” vocabulary terms, and how we should often analyze the movies we see to check for content and how truthful the images are.  We had some great discussions about many of the movies that we have seen, and how music and lighting make you feel a certain way, and how often the fight or chase scenes don’t show what is happening all around them.  It was interesting!  This week, we also practiced writing a summary, finding verb tense, and finding facts and opinions.  We were also introduced to our new Author of the Month, Patrica Polacco.  We already love her!

SPELLING Words for Friday, October 18th:

Story: “Me and Uncle Romie”

aloud, bald, hawk, south, faucet, proud, claw, tower, stalk, couple, howl, false, dawn, allow, drown, pause, fault, cause, amount, cloudier, applaud, foul

Challenge Word: mesmerize

MATH- This week, we began Chapter 3, which is multiplication!  We have been learning how multiplying relates to addition and subtraction, as well as reviewing fact families.  The class claimed this was “easy-peasy!”  ;)  Next week, it will get a bit tougher as we work with word problems, properties and rules, and factors and multiples.  Please keep practicing those math facts!  We are onto the 6’s in class!  They CAN do this!!!

SOCIAL STUDIES- This week, we completed some map work and learned how to read a grid map.  We began learning all about the regions of the United States, and then focused on the Northeast.  We discussed population, natural resources, the economy, and the geography. 


ART- We wove paper pumpkins.  They are beautiful and hanging in the hallway!

MUSIC- We learned some classis songs (Take Me Out to the Ballgame!) and practiced songs for the Veterans Day program. 

COMPUTERS- We continued partner work on our Fractured Fairytales!

WRITING-We caught up on all of our writing assignments—Summer Vacation Stories, BioPoems, and Personal Narratives

P.E.- We played Pin Dodgeball and Dr. Dodgeball

 Have a wonderful weekend! 


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