Friday, October 4, 2024

It has been BUSY in here!

 Hello, 4th Grade Parents!  It has been a BUSY, but fun, and learning-filled week!

 * Next Wednesday, October 9th, is DONUTS WITH DAD!  Dads, or special loved ones, please come at 7:45, grab a donut and some coffee, and enjoy some time with your kiddo before school.  (We will finish up at 8:20). There will be some fun activities for you to do together, or you can just sit and visit while you eat!  We will be back in the gym by 8:45 for Chapel. We welcome all special guests to join us for chapel at 8:45!  

*We have lap totals from the Walk-A-Thon last week, and our classroom winners were Alex, Colton, and Levi with 28 laps!  Woohoo!  We finished collecting money today, and will count next week.  Once counted, I will let you know those totals!  THANK YOU for all of your support! 

 Here is what we have been doing in the classroom:

RELIGION- This week, we focused again on being good leaders in our classrooms, homes, and in the community.  We learned the story of David and how he called upon God’s name to help him in his times of trouble.  We also talked about how he showed so much love and kindness to Jonathan’s son Mephibosheth.  We discussed ways to use the gifts that God has given to us to bless others around us.  Today, we began talking about Solomon!

 MEMORY for Next Week:

10/8- A mighty fortress is our God,

A trusty shield and weapon;

He helps us free from ev'ry need

That has us now o'ertaken.


10/11-The old evil foe

Now means deadly woe;

Deep guile and great might

Are his dread arms in fight;

On earth is not his equal.

 LANGUAGE ARTS- We shared our Newbery/September book reports this week and picked out books and got information for our Animal as the Main Character/October book reports.  The students, although nervous, did a GREAT jobs sharing them—making eye contact, projecting their voices, and sharing what they learned in their selections.  I am so proud!  We read a new genre of a story this week: a fractured fairytale!  It is titled, “Once Upon a Cool Motorcycle Dude.”  It was one of those stories that was a blast to read, and really just gets kids on fire for reading!  They loved it!  I also found two other stories written by Kevin O’Malley that I shared with the class today!  We had some fun.  We learned how to compare and contrast using Venn diagrams and how to make predictions.  We reviewed suffixes and hyperboles.  We also discussed different types of verbs—action, helping, and linking. 

 SPELLING WORDS for the Week of October 11th:

Story: “Coming Distractions”

bloom, cookbook, tool, shampoo, put, wool, stool, proof, prove, group, brook, foolish, bush, crooked, booth, raccoon, hook, groom, roof, soup, bulletin, cocoon

Challenge Word: omnipotent

 MATH- We have been working SO hard on multi-step word problems this week!  This is quite a skill to develop as we work through real-world problems and decide how to solve them.  Today, we finished up this chapter with a review and will test early next week.  I am proud of their “nose to the grindstone” kind of mentality!  We are working through fives in mad minutes. 

 MISSOURI HISTORY- This week we talked about the compass rose, the cardinal directions, the intermediate directions, the continents, the oceans, and learned what the different hemispheres were, as well as the Equator and the Prime Meridian.  We will continue learning about maps next week. 


ART- We drew pictures of eastern bluebirds on flowering dogwoods. :)  We began water coloring these, and will add oil pastels next week. 

MUSIC- We learned some classis songs and began learning songs for the Veterans Day program. 

COMPUTERS- We are using Google Docs to write a fractured fairytale with a friend!  It is fun for me to overhear the conversations about these! 

WRITING-We began planning and drafting personal narratives this week.  We are excited to write all about our personal experiences! 

P.E.- We learned how to play regular Dodgeball and Pin Dodgeball this week. 

Have a wonderful weekend! 


Feeling humbled and blessed today, 
by our Heavenly Father, 
and by my wonderful family and students...

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