Friday, February 7, 2025

We Have Celebrated 100 Days of School!

 Hello, Parents!  We have had another wonderful week at school (with a bonus day off!)  ;)  I am proud of the kiddos and all of their hard work! 

 On Tuesday, we celebrated the 100th Day of School!  We had some fun stations set up around the room, and even celebrated the number “100” during Art and P.E.! 


Some of our 4th grade kiddos entered a contest entitled, “The Color of Kindness,” put on by the Rotary Club in Blue Springs.  You can see their entries and/or vote for them at

Thank you! 


*STUDENT-LED CONFERENCING is coming up—NEXT WEEK--February 13th and 14th!  Your child will be leading this conference, so please make sure they are able to be present!  They are excited to share their work, their personal report card, and their NWEA scores with you!  If you are unable to come on the 13th or 14th, please just send me an email and we will find a time after school that works for you and your child.  Thank you! 

Here is the link to sign up:

 *VALENTINE’S DAY is coming up!  We will have a classroom party the morning of the 14th.  We will be making valentine bags, playing some games, and having some treats.  :)  You don’t need to make a special valentine holder at home, unless you want to, as we will be decorating bags here at school.  If your child chooses to send in valentines, please make sure each child in our classroom receives one.  Here is our class list.  Thank you!



Eli Anderson

Easton Butz

Colton Cantrell

Ashlynn Darby

Levi Haussmann

Charlotte Helmich

Nadia Hyden

Elijah Lantsberger

Zeb Montgomery

Lydia Nicolaus

Savannah Pirch

Nathaniel Prestidge

Aubrey Shineman

Alex Wisner


*The annual AUCTION, “Aloha Nights,” to support our scholarship fund, will be held February 22nd, 2025.

What time?  6:00-10:00

Where?  The Farmhouse KC

17221 E 32nd St S, Independence, MO 64055

* If you would like to purchase your tickets for the annual event, just go to the home page of our website,, and click on the Aloha Nights graphic. If you have an item, tickets, basket, service, etc. that you would like to donate, please contact the school office. If you or someone you know would like to be an auction sponsor to help defray the costs of the auction, we have various levels and items that can be specifically adopted.

*4th Graders created project that will be auctioned off too!  We studied Psalm 139, focusing primarily on verse 14—“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;  your works are wonderful,  I know that full well.”  We discussed how God created each of us with all of our intricate details and how we are beautiful!  We shared the book, “The Best Part of Me,” and have written our own edition of it.  This is “published,” and up for auction!  To go with this theme, we painted the frame of a mirror, emblazoned with the words “fearfully and wonderfully made.” 

 Here is what we have been up to this week:

RELIGION: We have studied the stories of “Jesus and the Samaritan Woman” and “Jesus Calming the Storm.”  We read different Biblical Gospel accounts of these stories, and compared them.  We discussed how Jesus showed His power and His mercy in both situations. 

 MEMORY: 2/11-From thence He will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,

the holy Christian Church,

the communion of saints,

the forgiveness of sins,

the resurrection of the body,

and the life everlasting. Amen.

 2/14-Recite the entire Apostle’s Creed.

 MATH:  We covered equivalent fractions and comparing fractions, and how to use fraction bars, number lines, and multiplication/division to find these.  We will finish up this chapter next week.,  We are still going strong on our 12s in mad minutes!

 LANGUAGE ARTS: We are continuing to read about the antics of Ramona in “Ramona and Her Father,” by Beverly Cleary.  We will finish this novel next week.  We are learning such skills as sequencing and the use of adverbs. 

 SPELLING WORDS for Friday, February 14th: scarcely, enough, laughed, ferocious, idea, million, worried, happier, evening, pajamas, *crestfallen

 SCIENCE:  This week, we discussed what part of the plant fruits and vegetables are.  For instance, potatoes are roots, celery is a stem, broccoli is a flower, peas are seeds.  We watched a cool video that showed food decomposing, and then starting to sprout again.  :)  We also worked with classifying plants and animals.  With missing a day of school this week, we are a bit behind.  We will review this chapter next Monday, and test next Wednesday. 

 Special Classes:

ART:  We made versions of our 100 Year Old selves!  These are precious!  Please come down our hallway to see them! 

 P.E.:  We did 100 Day Stations, with 100 seconds on each activity—jumping rope, sprints, crunches, skipping, hopping, etc.  We had FUN 100x! 

 MUSIC:  We are practicing songs for our school musical! 

 COMPUTER LAB:  We worked on, perfecting our home key and typing skills. 

 WRITERS’ WORKSHOP:  Yesterday, we worked on our personal report cards.  

 God's Blessings,


When We are 100 Years Old

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